Thursday, April 14, 2011

Photographic Style- shooting pictures from the hip, at family gatherings and parties

What is your photographic style?
Are you a perfectionist? Does every picture have to be completely perfect?
Does everyone have to pose for your photographs? 
Do you study your subject endlessly, or is capturing the moment more important?

Understand your style of shooting

My photographic style is more of a shoot from the hip, when it comes to family or friend gatherings. In fact if I am at a party and photographing friends or family my technique  is more a "point and shoot". Using the rear LCD viewer on my camera  I pose my subjects quickly and shoot quickly getting  my shots before people realize I even wanted a picture.

Prepare before the shooting begins

The secret is to set your cameras lens to the "distance' you will most likely be when you are ready to take the picture. I will set the camera lens to capture anything in the say five foot range, and then make sure i am within the capabilities of the lens to capture the scene or shot I want. I focus the camera on something that is the exact distance that I will be when i take the shot, look at your cameras lens and when it is focused all you need to do is look at what the distance is on the lens and   be sure you are at that distance when the shot is taken.

Pack before you go

I have finally become organized about my equipment and where I keep it and how I stage it now.  In my younger years I kept my equipment any place high or behind locked doors to keep my equipment safe from the dogs and children. It now has its own place with a multipurpose protector and have three sets of battery chargers attached. My camera is already staged inside my camera bag along with everything I need to go on a shoot. My tripods are standing up right next to the table leaning against the  wall, ready to be grabbed and out the door if necessary.It just takes a little time to get organized.

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