The cannon firing in the picture is hidden by the gun powder smoke used in the firing of this cannon. I took the picture seconds after the cannon fired the round. Although I do not think I would publish this picture just because of esthetics, and content(the soldiers and cannon ) hidden by the smoke in the picture, there was a really good reason that I wanted to show this picture.
Imagining back on those hot July days July 1-3,1863 with so many cannon firing at once, , what it must have been like trying to see the advancing army charging toward you. This photograph was taken at the very spot where the Union Army would have been firing their cannon. Even though this was a windy spring day on May7,2011 where the clouds were sweeping across the sky like a changing picture all after noon, the smoke still floated in the air waiting to be whisked away by the breeze
Bring that situation closer to the approaching July 4th holiday weekend 2011, with the now hot and humid days in this region and you get a more realistic feeling of what it must have been like almost 150 years ago during the Battle of Gettysburg.
More Gettysburg pictures and the photographic experience soon.
More Photos at here.
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